It's airplanes. They are coming.The country my forefathers fought for is going to be blindsided by more greed, ignorance, stupidity, and evil. Doors are open wide to walk right in and others are already within. Who will be left to fight to take back what is God's and our's. One morning just a few months before the beginning of the destruction of the land we called free, I had a premonition of something catastrophic and worldwide destruction. I couldn't imagine what it could be. Then we came down sick and all I could think was keep the family away from us cause this upper respiratory infection, I would not wish on my worse enemy. Then a few months later the world turned upside down and all I could do was feel paralyzed. I didn't want to call it by it's name. It didn't deserve a name but evil. I remember one of te little ones saying, "I don't have it Nanny, hug me." I did and after the visit we returned home. I watch the sky all the time because looking for special sky formations and sunsets are special to me. I started to notice unusually wide trails from airplanes in the sky.Then one morning while going to town, I noticed a large X across the sky. I thought it seemed odd cause it appeared to look like they should have ran into each other. Then a few months later the same thing happened in the westen sky. That's how all this got spread so fast, I thought. The trails and the odor kept us indoors a lot for awhile. Then as pollen season approached, I noticed one morning that the powder from pollen on the vehicles and metal surfaces were stuck on like something must be falling from the trails. They were so wide like nothing, I had ever seen before. Time has passed and most of you know part of the story or stories already. Most of my pictures that I take of  clouds are angelic, doves, birds and just beautiful or strange looking clouds. I took some pictures of some clouds while riding home. They looked like a group of angels in the sky until I got home and looked closely. Now formations of planes in the sky. It's coming and most of us will not be ready.

Stay ready and safe my friends.